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Three Basic Categories of Psoriasis Treatment

Three Basic Categories of Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis patients are treated through their GP. A dermatologist checks the skins and confirms the type of Psoriasis with recommended treatments. Usually Psoriasis Treatment is initiated with mild medicines like topical creams. There are a variety of treatments but it is difficult to recognize which is the perfect treatment for a specific condition.

Psoriasis is a skin infirmity which can attack the kids, adults and aged people. Sometimes, it exhibits as hereditary disease; however it is concerned with irresponsible action of immunity system. In our body, new cells grow after a certain time period but in psoriasis the system works without any order. The cells are rapidly developed and gather on a particular area in the shape of patches. These patches can be red or white in color. The most sensitive age for psoriasis is teenage or early 50s.

Types of Treatment:

The treatments related to Psoriasis are classified into three types. These are known as Topical, Phototherapy and Systemic treatment. Here is a brief overview of these three treatments:

Topical Treatment:

It is considered the very first treatment to lessen the redness and itching. In topical treatment, lotions and creams are applied on the skin. Additionally, ointment and shampoo are used to treat the scalp area. Vitamin D analogues, topical corticosteroids, calineurin inhibitors, coal tar and dithranol are the recommended cures for mild skin conditions.

Corticosteroids and vitamin D creams are preferred to heal the skin. These perform their task by reducing the speed of cell production. Moreover, these creams have an anti-inflammatory effect. Calcineurin inhibitors are useful for Psoriasis Treatment as it slow down the immune system activity. These cures are supportive to treat the sensitive areas but these medications sometimes become a cause of burning, irritation and pain. Coat tar is included in one of the most reliable and oldest form of treatment. It can be applied on limbs, scalp and trunk. Dithranol is short time psoriasis treatment and suppresses the growth of skin cells.

Photo therapy Treatment:

The patient is given photo therapy through artificial and natural way. However natural way does not mean to take sunbath. UVB Phototherapy, Psoralen plus ultraviolet A, and light therapy are the types of phototherapy treatment.

Ultraviolet B or UVB has capability to reduce the cells production. It is just a few minutes therapy which requires hospital visit. PUVA or Psoralen plus ultraviolet treatment starts with a tablet to make the skin responsive to light. UVA light is exposed to treat the patient. It is used only in severe conditions. Combination light therapy enhances the effects when given with coal tar or dithranol cream.

Systemic Treatment:

In case of severe condition, systemic treatment is referred by doctor. Such treatments are applied on entire body. Non biological medication, ciclosporin, acitretin, biological treatments, etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab and ustekinumab are the types of medication, which are used for Psoriasis Treatment. In fact, all treatments are not relevant for psoriasis patient. By skin test, form of psoriasis and previous history; a therapy is selected by skin specialist.


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