In order to Cure psoriasis, numerous systemic and topical therapies are introduced. It is a frustrating illness and requires adequate time for treatment. It is necessary to educate the patient about his/her disease. The doctors test out the skin condition and suggest a therapy according to the class of disease. Basically, psoriasis is divided into mild to moderate and temperate to severe disease types. Mild and moderate conditions are usually handled by topical therapies. Moderate to severe patients have above 10 percent affected area and systemic therapy is used to tackle the patches. It is an expensive treatment and has a lot of side effects as well.
Common Types of Psoriasis:
Scalp Psoriasis:
Hair on the scalp makes it tricky to start topical treatment as the use of creams seems difficult. In order to improve the adherence to treatment, it is better to check the preference of patients. Many patients feel it good to use spray, lotion, gel or solution than ointments or creams. Corticosteroids are basic agents to Cure psoriasis because these are potent than vitamin D analogs. Corticosteroids and Vitamin D analogs are used simultaneously to make the treatment more effective.
Other cure therapies such as injections, coal tar, tazarotene and anthralin are beneficial for psoriasis patients. Salicylic acid is also useful due to keratolytic agent. Systemic and phototherapy are additional types of treatment and apply when the patient cannot show improvement through tropical cure method.
Pustular Psoriasis:
Pustular psoriasis affects the sole and palm area. It is a common type of skin infection but it is a bit tricky to treat it. There are various approaches to heal the patches such as PUVA bath and corticosteroids. For pustular psoriasis, there are a few methods for systemic retinoids but these are included in the top line therapy. For sole and palm infection, Acitretin is considered the best treatment.
Nail Psoriasis:
One more common form of psoriasis is related to finger and toenails. The pathology of psoriasis exists in nail bed, hyponychium and nail matrix. To improve the nails condition, physical maneuvers are considered the best. Thickness of toenails irritates the patient and is painful as well. Podiatrist either remove the nail or the thin the layer by using filer. Nail treatment is included in one of the most complex form of cure. Topical therapies, high potency corticosteroids and vitamin d analogs are applied to get positive results.
Psoriasis Cure System:
For topical therapy, the patient’s skin condition helps in selecting the treatment. Emollient, cortisteroids, vitamin D analogs, calcipotriene, calcitriol, coal tar, tazarotene, Calcineurin inhibitors and Anthralin are the reliable therapies. Ultraviolet radiations are also applied to improve the skin condition. Phototherapy as well as photochemotherapy is taken under the supervison of skin specialist.
Though there are numerous ways to Cure psoriasis but it is obligatory to use precautionary measures as well. Stress, anxiety, dry skin, smoking and alcohol are the infection stimulator and work against treatment. In spite of using high potency doses, try to change your lifestyle and avoid skin dryness.